
Which Pa Specialties Pay The Most Money

TOP-10 occupations in demand today and high-paying jobs of the future

  • TOP-10 popular jobs in the near future
  • Labour market trends: what analysts say and what scientists predict
  • TOP-20 new professions that will appear by 2030
  • Where to get relevant education for students?
  • Innovative education in foreign universities

The ongoing upheavals in science confirm: global technology, robotics and IT will affect all aspects of our lives. Bioprinters, unmanned vehicles, Internet banking - all these discoveries have a profound impact on the labour market. So what will be the most sought-after jobs in the future?

  • Coaches and teachers

For a long time, educational institutions will need innovative teachers who are able to discover talents and find an approach to each student.

  • Doctors

Preparation of highly qualified medical personnel is one of the most important tasks nowadays in the future.

  • Engineers

Specialists able to manage complex mechanisms will be at the top like never before due to the powerful development of technology.

  • IT specialists

All representatives of this profession are self-taught who do not face a highly competitive environment. Nevertheless, this is a profession of the future, which will be in demand in the next half century.

  • Robotics and Nanotechnology

This is one of the most promising and highly paid areas, which is partially caused by a lack of competent specialists, a lack of preparation facilities and the active development of nanotechnology and robotics.

  • Service workers and online consultants

Active development of the service sector leads to a high demand for consultants, sales managers, logisticians, service employees.

  • Specialists in PR and advertising

The demand for this profession is also associated with the high development of the consumer sphere and competition. Companies need talented advertisers and PR people, and this trend will only increase.

  • Eco-Design Architects

Architects is another "eternal" profession: according to analysts, architects using energy-saving materials will be especially in demand.

  • Virtual professions

Many new professions related to the growing market of VR devices will appear on the market: virtual reality designers, guides, digital commentators, biohackers, etc.

  • On the oversupply and shortage of specialists in 2019

On the most popular job search portals, the largest number of vacancies is related to marketing, analytics, programming and PR. Today, there is an overabundance of specialists from the field of jurisprudence, design, and psychology, and the professions of an engineer, agronomist, and doctor are in short supply.

  • About Humanities

86% of graduates of humanitarian universities cannot or do not want to get a job by profession.

  • Human crowding out by robots - which professions will remain "human"?

Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides foresees that in the future there will not be many professions that will not be replaced by robots. Specialties from the fields of education, healthcare, hospitality, real estate, personal services and households will not lose their relevance.

  • Good news

Replacing human labour with robots is often presented in a negative light, but new technologies will remove the grueling mechanical work in many professions. For example, the work of teachers and doctors will change dramatically: programs will do all the mechanical work, and specialists will have more time for self-development, creativity and the quality of their tasks.

  • Command of English will cease to be a competitive advantage

English proficiency will be the first necessity for the implementation of their activities.

TOP-20 new professions that will appear by 2030

  • IT medic
  • Bioethic
  • Genetic consultant
  • Eco-analyst in construction
  • Energy Zero House Architect
  • Airship designer
  • Creative Trainer
  • Territory Architect
  • Game Practitioner
  • Ecologist urbanist
  • Smart Road Builder
  • Arctic Navigation Specialist
  • Space Lifecycle Designer
  • Cosmologist
  • Robotic Systems Engineer
  • Designer of children's and medical robots
  • Garment Processing Specialist
  • Big Data Model Developer
  • Digital linguist
  • Intellectual property appraiser.

Where to get relevant education for students?

Today, the question of choosing a profession is becoming more acute than usual, because we are taking a step into a new future full of new technologies and radical changes. Therefore, a decision made for a child may be a mistake. The younger generation is more flexible and adapted to an ever-changing world, even an intuitive solution may be more suitable for a teenager. But intuition should not be limited to one thing: a healthy environment and a competent educational system allow a teenager to make the right decision.

In advanced schools, children receive not only academic preparation: they are taught awareness, spend a lot of time studying career counseling and identifying their abilities and talents. Teenagers go through a wide range of disciplines, trying themselves in numerous fields, and in schools in Europe and the USA, career counselors work with children to talk about professions and help them set up career guidelines.

According to rankings, the best secondary schools for foreign students are located in developed European countries - the UK, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, France. Excellent schools are located in the the USA and Canada, and according to a ranking compiled by Independent magazine, countries with the best school systems are as follows:

  • Switzerland
  • Finland
  • Belgium
  • Singapore
  • Netherlands
  • Qatar
  • Estonia
  • New Zealand
  • Barbados
  • Japan

Innovative education in foreign universities

Prestigious universities in Europe and the USA strive to develop relevant programs that take into account trends in the labour market, because in many universities in Europe you can find highly specialized disciplines or specialties. The choice of a promising profession will provide you with demand for many years and will allow you to become an innovator in still emerging fields.

Information Technology

According to world rankings, these areas are best studied in the USA, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore and Malaysia consider innovation development to be their priority areas - the offices of major corporations such as IBM, Microsoft, HP are located in these countries.


Holland universities with their own research centers and a powerful scientific base are especially famous.


Switzerland has no equal in tourism, catering and hotel business.

The medicine

The leading universities for the training of physicians are located in Britain, Australia and the United States.

Design and fashion

France and Italy are absolute leaders.

Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev

Education: Kuban State University, Russia (World Economics); Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.

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Which Pa Specialties Pay The Most Money


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