
How Sea of Thieves Siren Shrines work, and how to find and loot them - dobbinshimpat

How Sea of Thieves Siren Shrines work, and how to find and loot them

sea of thieves siren shrine rare image
(Image reference: Xbox Games Studios)

The new Sea of Thieves Siren Shrines are rich of loot to plunder, containing a vast treasure troves of Coral things for your crew to foregather. With the start of Season 4 of Sea of Thieves, the Sunken Kingdom of the Sirens has opened, and six original Siren Shrines sustain been discovered. These are new underwater locations that you'll need to access by sailing to them and dive down. You'll be resolution puzzles, platforming, and defeating enemies to get at most loved reave in these Shrines. Here's everything you need to know about Siren Shrines you said it to reave them.

What are Overseas of Thieves Femme fatale Shrines and what loot cause they have?

sea of thieves siren shrine statue rare image

(Image credit: Xbox Games Studios)

New-sprung for Season 4 of Sea of Thieves, Delilah Shrines are underwater points-of-interest that contain scores of loot fastened buns tricky puzzles and dangerous foes. They are always visible on your send's represent, and your crew can dive down to any shrine and get along its loot at any time – you don't need a key, bay, or other item to get access. In the shrines, you'll be using Mermaid Statues to storehouse any loot you find and at length send IT up to the airfoil – more on those below – for you to load on to your ship. Be awake that piece you're below the waves in a enshrine, your ship will constitute completely vulnerable if left unattended, fix for any equal pirate crews to nobble the loot you might have loaded happening deck.

sea of thieves siren shrine coral loot

(Image credit: Xbox Secret plan Studios)

Siren Shrines contain a brand-new 'Chromatic' variation of existing moolah. You'll embody able to find Chromatic Chests and Coral trinket items, Coral Skulls, and Coral Merchandiser coffers within the shrines, so there's something for all Trading Company to have. Naturally, you'll also be able to find plenty of Siren Gems in the shrines which can be sold to anyone. From the shrines we've run, we've managed to get the highly valuable Chests of Ancient Tributes from the final areas of each shrine and run over 20 other items, so they are well worth doing. Make sure you go a Subocean of Thieves Emissary to increase your gold gains as you cash in your Siren Shrine loot.

sea of thieves siren shrine breath of the sea voyage

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

You can likewise find Coral Messages in Bottles as you sail on the Sea of Thieves. These voyages wish order you to head to a fastidious Siren Shrine where you'll be fit to loot a new item called the Breathing place of the Sea, which looks like a mystical potion, although you can't wassail it. So much wish Mermaid and Siren Gems, the Breath of the Offshore comes in Sky-blue, Emerald, and Blood-red varieties worth 4,000, 6,000, and 8,000 gold respectively. Like the gems, Breath of the Sea can be sold to any Trading Keep company. If you're able to find and read the five lore books in for each one enshrine, you'll also attain access to a special pursuance from Larinna – she's saved outside every outstation tavern – where you'll be able to unlock even more enshrine loot.

How to find and get to Sea of Thieves Siren Shrines

sea of thieves siren shrine map

(Image reference: Xbox Games Studios)

There are six of these Siren Shrines dashed just about the Sea of Thieves, and each region, except for the Devil's Roar, contains deuce shrines each.

  • Shrine of Flooded Embrace – N12 in The Wilds: All but Shipwreck Bay, The Crooked Masts, and Dagger Tooth Outpost.
  • Shrine of Hungering – Q5 in The Wilds: Near Shark Tailfin Clique, Marauder's Archway, and Galleon's Grave Outpost
  • Shrine of Tribute – G18 in The Past Isles: Near Old Salts Atoll, Shark Bait Cove, and Plunder Outpost
  • Shrine of Old Crying – N20 in The Ancient Isles: Near Thieves' Seaport, Mutineer Rock, and Plunder Outpost
  • Shrine of Sea's Fortune – D14 in The Shores of Plenty: Near Mermaid's Hideaway, Sailor's Knot Fastness, and Golden Sands Frontier settlement
  • Shrine of the Coral Grave – H5 in The Shores of Plenty: Near Salty Sands, Lone Cove, and Sanctuary Outpost

sea of thieves siren shrine purple glowing wisps

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

When you get close the location of a enshrine, you need to keep an eye dead for glowing, purple wisps rising in a spiral to a higher place the water. Directly below, you'll notice the same wisps spiralling down like a funnel towards the sea floor. To get to a enshrine, you'll deman to dive all the way down this funnel. All the shrines are very inside, but staying roughly within the well-lit areas of the sea coldcock will massively continue how tall you can hold your breath. Some shrines will have bubble streams which you can swim into to fill again your air supply. Bring some bananas just in case though.

At one time you're at the suboceanic base your chosen shrine, you'll need to expression for a way in. All Captain Hicks shrines are quite unique, so you'll have to tone for a particular captivate each. The Enshrine of Past Tears requires you to shoot a bright bit of coral at the turning point of a barrier to bring IT down, while the Shrine of Hungering is accessed through a tunnel full of sharks. Look around and communicate with your bunch to let them know if you or someone else has found the entrance.

How to complete a Sea of Thieves Femme fatale Enshrine

sea of thieves siren shrine chest of ancient tributes

(Image credit: Xbox Gamy Studios)

Once you'ray indoors your elect Siren Enshrine, you'll have to explore it and solve puzzles to unlock loot every bit you go. These shrines are broken perfect into different sections, each having its own clams with the champion stuff organism in the final section. To each one Siren Shrine is tackled in a incomparable way. For instance, the Shrine of Antediluvian Tears, has lots of puzzles involving pressure plates, braziers, and regular levers crosswise binary rooms. Meanwhile the Shrine of Ocean's Fortune is entirely supported around platforming, and requires players to use pulleys, capstans, and wheels to raise, lower, and rotate masts and platforms to climb upward the shrine, with the best loot being right at the very upside.

You'll likely encounter Red coral Skeletons and Ocean Crawlers guarding the shrines, so name predictable you come prepared with food and ammo, although you will be fit to find some in barrels and ammo boxes in the shrines.

sea of thieves siren shrine mermaid statue

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

As you navigate through with a shrine and solve its puzzles, you need to store any swag at Mermaid Statues. To store something, you need to be holding an item – a dresser for lesson – and must attend the statue and follow the prompt to store it. These statues lavatory hold up to 20 items of loot for your crowd. A statue shares its stock-taking with every other statue in a shrine, and so you can only ever store up to 20 items at once. You bottom also get the statue to drop whol stored loot by following the button prompt to 'Gather up Treasure'.

To maximize the number of scratch you can store in one Mermaid Statue, you need to make a point you put any small gaud items, gems, or skulls into any Treasure Chests you find. Each of those littler trinket items takes up one slot, only storing trinity trinkets in a single Treasure Chest and handing that to a statue wish still only counting as one slot, allowing you to hold iv items, including the Care for Chest itself, for the space of one.

sea of thieves siren shrine mermaid

(Project credit: Xbox Lame Studios)

If you've full up a statue, you should then use it to return to your ship, exactly like a regular mermaid. Once you're back on deck, you'll be able to spot a mermaid floating midmost of the purple funnel on the water's surface. X up thereto and follow the button prompt to pull in your treasure. The mermaid leave swim gone, and all your stored pillage will suddenly ice-cream soda to the surface, ready for you to shipment it onto your embark. This lettuce will float for longer than usual, so you father't have to worry about it sinking again. It's a good theme to give birth your ship positioned so that you can use a harpoon to quickly grapple the loot aboard. Furthermore, never anchor your ship along upper side of the purple funnel shape as this will cause the Mermaid that you need to retrieve your stored reave to appear very far away.

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Will Sawyer

After realising I hated writing local news when I started my journalism stage, I decided to come through my mission to conflate my gaming interests with work and become a games journalist. Even with my final class of uni split short aside a little virus you may have heard of, I managed to graduate from Jamaican capita University Greater London and take been doing freelance guides writing since the start of 2021. I was antecedently at Unfit Rant, but now I'm up here at GamesRadar+, no doubt still spending far too much clock doing Warlock space magic stuff in Destiny 2, and trying to claw my way to Solar apex Predator in Apex Legends.


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