
Permanently Mute Sites on Google Chrome (Eventually)

"I just love information technology when websites automatically play videos with the sound turned on," said no i ever. Fortunately Google's Chrome web browser will soon brand this annoyance a affair of the past.

Google'south François Beaufort on Friday announced that the Chrome team "is currently experimenting with a setting to mute/unmute a website directly from the Page Info bubble," which is located to the left of the URL in the address bar.

"This will give y'all more than control nearly which website is allowed to throw sound at you automatically," Beaufort wrote in a Google+ post.

Mute Sites on Chrome

The feature is available equally part of Google Chrome Canary, a version of the browser designed to give developers and early adopters access to the newest features before they're available to the full general public.

Keep in mind that you can already silence a site in Chrome by right-clicking the offending browser tab and selecting "Mute Tab." The new option volition let you lot permanently mute certain sites, and then that the sound stays off every time you lot visit.

There's no word as to when the characteristic might roll out for everyone, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that it arrives shortly.

Meanwhile, starting next twelvemonth Chrome volition automatically block some of the almost annoying and intrusive internet advertisements, including those that automatically play audio or prevent you from viewing a web page, Google appear last month. Ideally, this would curb the rise of tertiary-party blockers that remove all ads, not just those that are intrusive.

Well-nigh Angela Moscaritolo


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